- Commutative avatars for baryon multiplets, CERN
- Anatomy of big algebras I, Anatomy of big algebras II, GAAG seminar EPFL
- Anatomy of big algebras, Séminaire “Groupes de Lie et espaces de modules”, Geneva
- Anatomy of big algebras, video, Rényi Institute Colloquium, December 2024 (Budapest)
- Anatomy of big algebras public talk, seminar talk, November 2024 (Dublin)
- Mirror symmetry and big algebras, July 2024 (Stony Brook)
- Higgs bundle tournaments, July 2024 (Trieste)
- Anatomy of big algebras, June 2024 (Hamburg)
- Anatomy of big algebras, June 2024 (Paris)
- Higgs bundle tournaments, December 2023 (Vienna)
- Higgs bundle tournaments, October 2023 (Frankfurt, Graz)
- Mirror symmetry and big algebras 1,2,3, April 2023 (Madrid)
- Mirror symmetry and big algebras, April 2023 (PARIS)
- Enhanced mirror symmetry for Langlands dual Hitchin systems, July 2022 (Zurich)
- Topological mirror symmetry for Hitchin systems, September 2018 (Hamburg)
- Refined geometric invariants and representation theory, March 2017 (Paris)
- Equivariant Verlinde algebra for Higgs bundles, March 2017 (Paris)
- Perverse Hirzebruch y-genus of Hitchin systems, February 2017 (Waterloo)
- Enumerative invariants of Higgs moduli spaces, Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Lecture 4, February 2017 (Austin)
- Refined geometric invariants and representation theory, September 2016 (Oxford)
- Toric non-Abelian Hodge theory II, September 2016 (Madrid)
- Equivariant Verlinde algebra for Higgs bundles, September 2016 (Aarhus)
- Toric non-Abelian Hodge theory II, October 2015 (Luminy)
- Toy models of hyperkähler moduli spaces, July 2015 (Cambridge)
- Arithmetic of wild character varieties, July 2015 (Utah)
- Arithmetic of wild character varieties, Aug 2014 (Singapore, Pavia)
- Betti numbers of large hyperkähler manifolds, pictures, June 2013, (Essen, Montreal, Bonn, Zürich, Fribourg )
- Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces, Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, May 2013, Montreal
- Topology and arithmetic of character varieties, March 2013, Miraflores
- Magic Pictures, inaugural lecture, EPFL, March 2013
- Cohomology of Higgs moduli spaces, Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, January 2013, Ascona
- Mirror symmetry in the character table of SL_n(F_q), October 2012, Toronto
- Positivity for Kac polynomials and DT-invariants of quivers, July 2012 Luminy (Lausanne, Rome,Berlin)
- Mirror symmetry in the character table of SL_n(F_q), June 2012 Orsay
- Arithmetic and physics in discrete algebraic geometry, March 2012 Calgary
- Symmetries of SL(n) Hitchin fibers, March 2012, Banff (Cardiff, Hamburg)
- Symmetries of SL(n) Hitchin fibers, December 2011, Zurich, (Madrid, Oxford)
- Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces, July 2011, Leeds (Santa Barbara, Cambridge, Oxford, Jussieu, Columbia, Stony Brook, Imperial)
- Quiver representations and the cohomology of Hitchin fibers, Oberwolfach
- Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system, Simons lecture series, Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, October 2010, Stony Brook
- Global Topology of the Hitchin System, (5 lecture course) Problem sheet, July 2010, Bonn
- Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system (5 lecture course), March 2010, Barcelona
- Kac’s conjectures via arithmetic harmonic analysis Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3,September 2009, Luminy
- Kac’s conjectures via arithmetic harmonic analysis (5 hours lecture course), July 2009, Cologne
- Arithmetic harmonic analysis on holomorphic symplectic quotients, April 2009, Seoul (Sheffield)
- Topology of the Hithin map and the arithmetic of the character variety, November 2008, Cambridge
- Topology of the Hithin map and the arithmetic of the character variety, October 2008, Oxford (Edinburgh, York)
- Arithmetic harmonic analysis on holomorphic symplectic quotients, June 2008 Barcelona (Bonn, Geneva)
- Toric Non-Abelian Hodge Theory, January 2008, Toronto (Glasgow, Oxford, Kyoto, Tokyo)
- Mixed Hodge polynomials of character varieties, June 2007, Aarhus
- S-duality in hyperkähler Hodge theory, September 2006, Madrid
- Cohomology of hyperkähler moduli spaces via arithmetic harmonic analysis (90 minutes talk), November 2005, Kyoto (various subsets in Oxford, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Nagoya)
- Betti numbers of hyperkähler manifolds via arithmetic harmonic analysis, (two talks) November 2005, Budapest, (various subsets in Paris, Grenoble, Montpellier, Oxford, Cambridge, London)
- Cohomology of hyperkähler moduli spaces via arithmetic harmonic analysis, July 2005, Seattle
- Cohomology of hyperkähler spaces in gauge theory, May 2005, Banff
- Quaternionic Geometry of Matroids, May 2005, Calgary
- Arithmetic harmonic analysis and cohomology of hyperkähler manifolds, April 2005, Santa Barbara, Urbana-Champaign, Toronto, Budapest
- Cohomology of hyperkähler quotients, August 2004, Palo Alto
- Quaternionic Geometry of Everything, April 2004, Houston
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